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A legal loophole may allow Tata to take the top job without Senate confirmation at all.

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Taking Flight: How Akima Is Helping to Shape the Airmen of the Future at the United States Air Force Academy

The Constitution says nothing of civilian control of the military or its expected political neutrality. How we protect those traditions needs more attention than ever.
Science & Tech
The U-2's Latest Feat: Passing Data from F-35s to Army Missiles
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In a Crisis and Beyond: Platforms Make Scalable Government Innovation, Modernization a Reality
While some user communities were caught unprepared for remote operations, the vast majority of government programs continued to operate as workers moved away from central offices and into their own homes.

Like NATO, But for Economic Warfare
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The Islamic State turned the social platform into a global marketplace for looted artifacts—until a group of vigilante archaeologists took matters into their own hands.
Get all our news and commentary in your inbox at 6 a.m. ET.
Get all our news and commentary in your inbox at 6 a.m. ET.
Science & Tech
The Air Force’s Latest GPS Alternative: Earth’s Magnetic Fields
Officials just launched a public challenge to help create the artificial intelligence needed to turn the planet’s magnetic fields into readable maps.
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As IT management has become more centralized, the consequences of not knowing what IT assets are on your network have increased.

Gen. Dave Goldfein
US Air Force, Space Force: Here Is Your New Arctic Strategy

Katie Bo Williams
Trump Sidesteps Congress To Install Controversial Pentagon Nominee

Marcus Weisgerber
Boeing’s Coronavirus Losses Now Bleeding Into Its Defense Accounts

Michèle Flournoy
The company’s founder says in an interview that he wants it to be “a window” on the world. A Republican senator says it is a “Trojan horse.”
Today's D Brief: AFRICOM HQ planning to move; Portland calms; Trump to FLA; Obvious Russian mercenaries; Marines missing; And a bit more.
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EU’s First Cyber Sanctions Target Russian, North Koreans, Chinese Attackers
The EU singled out perpetrators that attacked British hospitals, Ukranian infrastructure, and the Pyeongchang Olympics.
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Digital Event | August 18
Next in Flight: The Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations
August 18, 2:00 pm, ET
Exclusive Interview: Eric Schmidt says Chinese students key to national security, at Defense One Tech Summit 2024

Like NATO, But for Economic Warfare

Why America Is Afraid of TikTok

China Has Squandered Its First Great Opportunity
2024 Elections


Will Trump ‘Wag the Dog’ to Win Reelection?

Democrats Are Allowing Trump to Frame the Debate on China
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Russia Tests a Satellite That Rams Other Satellites, US Says

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The Ripple Effects of a Space Skirmish

Trump Sidesteps Congress To Install Controversial Pentagon Nominee

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This Is Not Your Parents' Military. We Can’t Fund It the Same Way
China Has Squandered Its First Great Opportunity
The world has experienced a six-month geopolitical vacuum, and China has filled it poorly.
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After Islamophobic remarks, Trump’s controversial pick to be Defense Department’s policy chief is in troubled waters.
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Science & Tech
Pentagon Aims to Support More Sensitive Telework By Year's End
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Today's D Brief: Fed forces move to swing states; Trump threatens Election Day; How not to sell a European drawdown; Pentagon calls journalists ‘adversaries;’ And a bit more.
Science & Tech
Busting Up Big Tech is Popular, But Here’s what the US May Lose
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Will Trump ‘Wag the Dog’ to Win Reelection?
Americans are worried, but history shows the popular belief is wrong.
Letter from the Editor: Welcome to the New Defense One
An even sleeker look with design upgrades, new features, and improved navigation.
US to Begin Removing 12,000 Troops From Germany ‘Within Weeks’
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Was the Pentagon’s Blacklist of Chinese Companies Justified?
An independent study of the list found China uses its favored companies to wipe out competition and spread economic influence.
Bill Barr’s Unconstitutional Campaign to Reelect the President
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